How to Remove A Community Guideline Strike %100 Fixed in 2021


welcome back so recently you have received Community Guidelines strike as

you see for this video which is to how to convert war to PDF in which we have

full copyright and in which we have now community that line strike against this

we are sure that it has nothing which goes against the community strikes and

we'll check it together in order to solve this problem and get our video

back into monetization and retract the strike made by the YouTube team this

which can be due to certain flagging wrong flagging by some video manager to

the video or in which you have received asteroid select it by 2 second includes

as you can see visibility is rejected as we see here the video is rejected and

ineligible for monetization this monetization has stopped for this video

that's description make sure that there are no words which can cause certain

Community Guidelines also in the tags

the photo was flagged by someone who owns it or have certain material which

is not legalized but here we are sure that the template is made by us

let's go back to the video manager so after making sure that no tags or no

description no words are in the tags or an inscription that may go against the

Community Guidelines now you can happen to your video and

will go to our website which the video is embedded as you can see it's still

playable let's click on YouTube here and as you can see on the YouTube platform

the video still playable by us but it will be removed as you can see the video

is still available but it will go away as soon as the appeal period finish as

the message cessation here you will be able to view the video for seven days

from when it was removed the period allows you to review the content and

decide whether you wish to submit an appeal or not in order to make sure all

content creators benefit if you have a right to claim it you can click on

appeal the decision if you are not sure about Community Guidelines

you just head on to the link that will be provided below in which we have the

policies and safeties of YouTube community advanced you see them here you

can review them

before you can make any change just read it there's a lot of good tips in here

helps creators in general provide any copyright strikes or claims and show you

how to claim your rights too once we have safety measures less I know

it's time to appeal the decision let's click on appeal this decision this will

take you to the appeal message center ordens for the Community Guidelines this

figure has been removed from YouTube if you believe that this decision was made

in error or someone may have plugged it and properly then you can contact the

YouTube team through the support page on the right here make sure that we have

the video question next as you can see there is a little box in here in which

you just specify the reason why you should get another review and should

reinstate it if appropriate so as I said just write in your message in here you

can find a message on our website recommended that come if you want to

copy it Plus this has worked with us many times your videos as it is our case

in here which is a medication on video has been flagged and properly and

someone has flagged it misuse the feature of flagging videos so you need

to contact the team through this message box and they will make a decision to

reinstate your video again so just copy or just type in your message or pasted

copy and paste into the box in here next you hit submit appeal

here as you see that YouTube team will contact you by email once they have

processing your requests normally it takes 24 hours minimum and now we need

to contact them again or to send a message many times not urge them to

contact you sooner so just once and specify the reasons for the video in

question and after 24 hours your video will be reinstate and come back to green

and monetize 

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