
Alle register is a term that refers to the full range of a singer's vocal range. It is a term that is commonly used in the music industry to describe the different ranges of a singer's voice and is often used to identify a singer's vocal abilities. The term "alle register" comes from the Italian word "registro," which means "register," and refers to the different registers of a singer's voice.

There are eleven different registers of a singer's voice that are commonly recognized in the music industry. These registers are divided into three main categories: the chest voice, the head voice, and the mixed voice. The chest voice is the lowest register of a singer's voice, while the head voice is the highest register. The mixed voice is a combination of the two.

Vocal Fry Register: The vocal fry register is the lowest register of a singer's voice. It is characterized by a low, rumbling sound that is often used in modern pop music.

Chest Register: The chest register is the lower part of a singer's vocal range. It is the register that is used when a singer is singing with a full and powerful voice.

Belt Register: The belt register is a powerful and loud register that is used in musical theater and pop music.

Mid Voice Register: The mid-voice register is the middle range of a singer's voice. It is used when a singer is singing with a softer and more relaxed tone.

Head Register: The head register is the highest register of a singer's voice. It is used when a singer is singing with a light and airy tone.

Falsetto Register: The falsetto register is a high and light register that is often used in pop and R&B music.

Whistle Register: The whistle register is the highest register of a singer's voice. It is characterized by a high and piercing sound that is used in pop and R&B music.

Chest Mix Register: The chest mix register is a combination of the chest and mid-voice registers. It is used when a singer wants to create a powerful and resonant sound.

Head Mix Register: The head mix register is a combination of the head and mid-voice registers. It is used when a singer wants to create a lighter and more airy sound.

Upper Mix Register: The upper mix register is a combination of the head and whistle registers. It is used when a singer wants to create a high and powerful sound.

Head Whistle Register: The head whistle register is a combination of the head and whistle registers. It is used when a singer wants to create a high and piercing sound.


Alle register is a term that is used to describe the full range of a singer's vocal abilities. It is made up of eleven different registers that are divided into three main categories: the chest voice, the head voice, and the mixed voice. Each register has its own unique sound and is used in different styles of music. Understanding the alle register is important for singers, as it allows them to develop their vocal abilities and perform to the best of their abilities.